Morske Alge za prehrano Prašičev
V nadaljevanju lahko preberete kako preparati BCX( iz rjavih morskih alg) pomagajo pri prašičjereji.
Poročilo uporabe iz Nizozemske
Attached the latest results from Coen’s piglets.
BCx-F mixing in the liquid feed started on 16sept : first 10 days the dosage was 1liter per day on a tank that holds +/- 8000ton of dry feed
From day 11 the dose was lowered to 350ml per day as this seemed enough (determined with a pendulum …)
You can see a marked growth acceleration: first in weight, jumping to +23kg (with the higher dose)
His customers prefer a lighter piglet, around 20-22kg, so he started shipping quicker from the end of September.
The gain is +/- 1.5 to 2 weeks. Piglets stay a few days longer with the sow since they have more space there now (they have slowly decreased the number of sows, due to bad prices in the market)
Piglets used to get a special in-between feed supplement to adapt between the farrowing stable and the liquid ‘soup’ the bigger ones get. This specialty feed is more expensive and often piglets will stagnate for & a week due to stress from feed and environment changes.
In the last weeks, they get only 1-day special feed and then they move on to the same soup that all the bigger piglets get, saving 75% on the special switch-over feed.
There is no growth pause anymore when switching stables, which explains the gain of 1,5 week.
You can share with the UK team and local pig farmers in Slovenia/Croatia.
A big Serbian pig farmer is coming to visit Coen next week to see the full feed concept.
Remember :
0 ppm NH3
0.7 P in slurry
2.2 N in slurry
Low inflammation levels (infrared camera proven)
20% less feed
21kg piglet in 8 weeks

Nivo smrada v prašičjem hlevu po uporabi BCX F – dodatek k hrani

Testi z BCX za zamenjavo Cinka v prašičjereji- iz Anglije
Can BioComplex Be The Solution For Life After Zinc in Pig Farming?
The widespread use of Zinc Oxide in pig farming is currently being phased out. The deadline set by DEFRA is June 2022, and by then the pig industry needs to have found an alternative.
We’ve been trialling Ekogea’s BioComplex in the early stages of a piglet’s life with “preliminary results showing great promise” according to Mike Clarke, part of the Ekogea’s Animal Health team. BioComplex, a naturally produced nutraceutical, has been used both as an addition to the water supply and in creep diets as a means of reducing post weaning scours. Initial results are extremely encouraging in the search for a solution for life after zinc.

The Background of Using Zinc Oxide
One of the largest talking points in the world of pig farming, right now, is the use of zinc. Zinc Oxide has been a common additive in the diets of young pigs as they are weaned away from the sow. This is a tough time for the pigs as they leave their mothers with a comparatively low immune system so physiologically they still require high levels of nutrients. This stage of the pig’s life is notorious for scouring, a term used to describe diarrhea from stress and poor gut health.
Zinc Oxide additives have been widely used in the creep (the feed used to prepare the piglets to leave the sow) and link diets since the 1990s, principally to tackle the post-weaning scour problems. As the use of Zinc Oxide, however, is being phased out by June 2022, an alternative is needed to alleviate the gut health issues at weaning. This is a function we are increasingly confident our BioComplex Feed ingredient can perform.
Trialling The Use of BioComplex
BioComplex, a 100% natural feed ingredient, is an extract of Ascophyllum nodosum, a common seaweed found off the coast of the Outer Hebrides. It works by greatly improving the functions in the lower gut of the piglet.
The trial we’re currently conducting has two groups of piglets on the same farm, one with BioComplex as part of the creep diet, and the control group with common creep feed including zinc oxide. These piglets were weaned a week ago and initial results have shown a considerable difference in the state of the pigs’ faeces, the best indicator for the state of gut health. Piglets treated with BioComplex are producing black dung with solid consistency, an indicator that the lower gut is working more efficiently. Piglets in the control group are producing much looser, beige-colored dung indicating that the lower intestine is doing most of the digestive work in a lower-functioning gut system. The pigs are also growing at the same rate.
The early results are hugely encouraging. We now await the results as the piglets move from their creep diet to their new link diet where the growth and health of the pigs will continue to be monitored.
If BioComplex can continue to show these results in more litters and more stages of the pigs’ lives, then this really could be a viable, cost-effective, and widespread alternative to the use of zinc in pig farming.
As previously reported, Ekogea’s BioComplex Plus Feed ingredient is currently being trialed as a potential replacement for zinc additives in the creep feed of pigs.
The widespread use of Zinc Oxide in pig farming is being phased out by DEFRA by June 2022, by which time the industry needs to have found an alternative. Results from our ongoing trial indicate that BioComplex Plus can be such a viable replacement.
The Trial
BioComplex Plus is a 100% natural feed ingredient. It is an extract of Norwegian Kelp, a seaweed sustainably farmed off the coast of the Outer Hebrides. It works by greatly improving the gut microbiome and, by extension, lower gut functions of pigs. This makes it a valuable resource for the “post-zinc” pig industry.
The current trial has followed two cohorts of pigs from the same farm. One cohort was fed with BioComplex Plus as part of their creep diet, and the other with a standard creep feed including zinc oxide.
Updated Results
Our most recent release reported that the BioComplex Feed ingredient appeared to be continuing to outperform both previous non-zinc trials, and also the control cohort of a standard diet using zinc additives, as the weaners changed from their link diets to their creep diets, a notoriously difficult time for pig gut health.
We await the final results as the pigs reach their final weigh-in, which we expect soon. But in the meantime, we’re releasing these revealing photos of fecal deposits in the pig sheds of the respective cohorts, the surest indicator of pig gut health and the effectiveness of BioComplex Plus.

Rezultati uporabe iz Španije
In the pig breeding and fattening farm
Agrogandera Fonesco S.L. Teba/Malaga, Spain
The farm operates a closed system in both the breeding and fattening units.
The BIOCOMPLEX FOOD ADD-GRANULATE was successfully used in the fattening unit and then
introduced into the breeding area, where the same favorable effects were observed.
- A substantial improvement in the air quality in the stall, in the farm area, and during the
bringing out the liquid manure onto the fields. - Reduced humidity in the stalls.
- Reduce ammonia concentration in the stalls (only 8-10 ppm 50cm above the floor level).
- Reduced excrement deposits on the slatted floor.
In general, a vast improvement in the stall climate, a large reduction in the emission of noxious gases
and the offensive smell of the liquid manure.
Previously liquid manure from the fattening unit had to be mixed with that of the breeding area to
increase the flow ability and simplify the cleaning and eventual disposal of the sov’s manure. After
the addition of BIOCOMPLEX FOOD ADD-GRANULATE this was no longer necessary due to the
increased flow ability.

After the introduction of Bio-complex Granulate a distinct reduction in the disease MMA-Complex
(minus 60%) and the associated cost (minus 70%) was noted.
Rezultati uporabe iz Amerike
Bio-complex granulate in intensive pig production
To hold high levels of productivity and efficiency in modern, intensive pig production, continual
progress in breeding techniques are necessary. The pig’s environment, on the farm, differs considerably from its natural living conditions. This means that a number of zoological and
biotechnical measures must also be taken so as to obtain and stabilize a correct production cycle.
The health and well-being of the animals play a very important role in the total system. Prerequisites
for this are-optimal environmental conditions and correct feeding.
Bio-complex feed additives are used to stabilize the flora, heighten the assimilation and retention of
nutrients in the digestive tract.
Because of this following effects were noted:
• Reduction in digestive problems e.g. constipation or diarrhea.
• A more equable birth weight in the litters.
• A shorter suckling period as a result of higher daily weight increases.
• An intensive development of ̋on heat ̋ symptoms after weaning of the litter.
• A reduction in the time to the next ovulation and carrying period.
• A higher fertility rate in older sows.
• A distinct reduction in respiratory diseases due to the improved stall climate.
Under production conditions, bio-complex was added to the feed for 500 sows from 1,000 at Ricardo
Remoy`s Farm and 500 sows from 1,000 at Fontalba. Farm in California/USA, 45 days prior to the
piglet’s birth and throughout the suckling period.
The average weight of suckling pigs at the commencement of weaning during the trial period

The 12-16% increase in weight of the suckling pigs clearly shows the positive effect of adding bio-
complex to the sow`s feed.
Consequently, the higher suckling`s weight causes a faster increase in weight during the fattening period
which is often reduced by 4-5 days.
The continual use of bio-complex in the feed of breeding sows means that the suckling time and time to
next ovulation is shortened, this, coupled with the increase in fertility rate will substantially increase
the productivity of breeding pig farms.
Observations on and results of the use of Bio-complex Granulate
In the pig breeding and fattening farm
The farm operates a closed system in both the breeding and fattening units.
The Bio-complex Granulate was successfully used in the fattening unit and then introduced into the
breeding area, where the same favorable effects were observed.
• A substantial improvement in the air quality in the stall, in the farm area, and during the
bringing out of the liquid manure onto the fields.
• Reduced humidity in the stalls.
• Reduced ammonia concentration in the stalls (only 8-10 ppm 50 cm above the floor level).
• Reduced excrement deposits on the slatted floor.
In general, a vast improvement in the stall climate, a large reduction in the emission of noxious gases
and the offensive smell of the liquid manure.
Previously liquid manure from the fattening unit had to be mixed with that of the breeding area to
increase the flow ability and simplify the cleaning and eventual disposal of the sow`s manure. After
the addition of Bio-complex Granulate, this was no longer necessary due to the increased flow ability.
Analiza vsebnosti amonika v hlevu-tretiranje z bcx400